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Название: Классификационній анализ вінужденной внутренней миграции в Украине
Авторы: Попова, Ольга Александровна
Ключевые слова: внутренне перемещенные лица
вынужденные мигранты
классификационные признаки
internally displaced persons
reluctant migrants
conflict zone
classification characteristics
Issue Date: 2017
Библиографическое описание: Попова О. А. Классификационный анализ вынужденной внутренней миграции в Украине / О.А. Попова // Грані : наук.-теорет. і громад.-політ. альм. / Дніпропетровськ. нац. ун-т ім. О. Гончара. – 2017. – Т. 20, № 7. – С. 65–71.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The results of the classification analysis of reluctant migration from the zone of conducting of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Donbass have been presented in the article. It has been substantiated that legal definition of «internally displaced persons » is not entirely correct from the sociological point of view since the term «displaced» indicates objectiveness of migration and presumes the presence of a subject who moves them, which is not always the case. Sociologically, it is more justified to use the concept «reluctant internal migrants» regarding migrants from the conflict zone. This concept is recognized universally by the world sociology. Reluctant migration relates to migration flows, caused by a threat to life and welfare due to natural, manmade or political causes (for example, wars and ethnic conflicts). In order to propose effective measures for the social adaptation of migrants from the ATO zone, to develop measures to respond similar risks and to reduce their impact on social actors, analysis of the reluctant internal migration in Ukraine has been carried out using the following classification characteristics: legal status of migrants, mode of implementation of migration, number of migrants, frequency of relocation, distance of migration, length of stay at a new place of residence, voluntary-involuntary relocation, reasons and purposes of migration. It has been established that the reluctant internal migration in Ukraine has a «hybrid» character, being simultaneous group and family one, partly constant (some migrants do not want to return to places where they lived before the outbreak of a military conflict), partly temporary (some of migrants returned less than after three month), partly repeating (a part of migrants periodically return to the conflict zone to work, and then again leave for a new place of residence); migration from the conflict zone in the Eastern Ukraine is political, military and economic one, the main reasons of which are fighting, economic crisis and lack of work in the conflict zone; migrants from the conflict zone in the East of Ukraine refer to reluctant migrants with temporary status. Theoretical arguments and results of empirical studies, that were conducted in Ukraine over the last three years with the purpose of describing the peculiarities of migration from the zone of armed conflict, have been used as the evidence base.
URI: http://dspace.nua.kharkov.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/1855
ISSN: 2413-8738
Appears in Collections:Статті

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